Welcome to the Knitting Octopus

Drawing of an Octopus Knitting


1. So why the name "The Knitting Octopus"?

Octopuses are very intelligent creatures, they can figure out on their own how to open screw-top jars to get at a treat inside, and can mimic other creatures, and enjoy solving Rubik's cubes. But it is a little known fact that they also know how to knit! It's true! Just take a look here: Knitting Octopuses

2. Wait, that last one's a link to knitted octopuses, not knitting octopuses. And actually, most of those are crocheted.

It's no coincidence there's so many patterns for knitted cephalopods. See, octopuses are very vain creatures and love to create things that look like themselves.


--An Octopus can knit four times as fast as a human!

--Many octopuses use a special yarn made from spun seaweed. It is water-resistant and goes great with sushi.

3. Isn't it Octopi?

No, Fowler's Modern English Usage states* that 'the only acceptable plural in English is "octopuses"', that "octopi" is 'misconceived', and "octopodes" 'pedantic'. No one wants to be pedantic, and certainly not misconceived.

4. Is there anything actually on this site, besides this FAQ and a drawing of a knitting octopus?


*(Well, Wikipedia says it does, and you can always trust Wikipedia!)